Saturday, March 01, 2014

My Life Is Being Taken Over

Flappy Bird....... If you don’t know what this is, then I envy you. But if the very mention of this name both infuriates and slightly excites you, then- you, god sir/ma’am, are not alone. For I too have fallen prey to this game/devil. It has, fortunately, been deleted from the app store so that more people won’t get sucked into its {severely deformed} beak. The developer of this game has very humbly removed it from the app store even though it has been a major gold mine for said developer. I feel bad for him, in a way. He made a game that he didn't predict would go big – which it didn't, until PewDiePie featured it in one of his videos - and then received death threats for making a game. MAKING A GAME!!

But, as relived as I am that you innocent people won’t have to deal with this game, I’m equally traumatized because all the plans I concocted of forcing my friends to download this game as revenge for eating all the nutella have gone to waste.


Many game developers have inevitably released duplicate version of Flappy Bird. The most infuriating of them all being Iron Pants and the best, considering the fact that I love Fall Out Boy, is Fall Out Bird. It allows you to play as members of the band and also plays FOB songs in the background in contrast to the silence of Flappy Bird. Another version- Tappy Nyan – which I am currently installing, is basically a Nyan cat version of Flappy Bird. If you want me to justify installing it, IT’S NYAN CAT!! HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY RESIST NYAN CAT!?!?!?!?


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, but you can't really compare them.

      AO's a youtube series and flappy bird's game. So.............
